Best plants for balcony garden

              Plants for balcony garden

   Your balcony can be a beautiful ornamental corner and an excellent springboard from everyday hustle and bustle, it could be a great place to relax. Find out best plants for the balcony gardenAlthough you can grow creepers, conifers, herbs, vegetables, shrubs and even dwarf trees. But for a change or uniqueness, you should lean over to more colourful and sometimes intensely fragrant flowers and beautiful foliage plants. 


Low maintenance, pest repellent and bright. Marigolds are one of the best plants for balcony, especially in warm climates.


Begonias are easy to grow, keep them in light shade and they will bloom constantly in summer (in winter, for tropics).

3. Chrysanthemum


Mums are the most popular flowers after roses because they come in myriads of varieties and grown in almost everywhere in the world for their beauty.

4. Pansy

Mild fragrance and unique flowers, pansies are in our best balcony plants list. They come in many colours and sizes and are perfect for growing in window boxes and pots.

5. Fuchsia

This shade-loving perennial flower looks best in hanging baskets.

6. Heliotrope

Bushy plant with stems up to 50 cm in height. It has dark green leaves, wrinkled and hairy stems. If you love to grow fragrant flowers, grow heliotrope.

7. Hydrangea

It creates a beautiful spherical inflorescence variable in colour depending on the pH level of the growing medium. Hydrangea likes frequent and abundant watering.

8. Hyacinth

Seasonal and short-lived spring scenery on the balcony, hyacinths are treated as annuals. After flowering, bulbs can be dried and re-planted in the fall in pots.

9. Gazaniagazanias-69812_640_mini

Sunny yellow daisies, the native of Africa are perfect for South and West facing balconies – their flowers open with the sun and close in the early evening.

10. Lobelia

Low growing bushy plant. It looks good in hanging baskets, you can grow a lot of other flowers with it to create an interesting grouping of plants.

11. Lantana

lantana in pot
Comes in single and multiple colours, this wild tropical flower from South Asia releases fascinating fragrance and attract butterflies and bees.

12. Impatiens

Best balcony plant for shady balconies. It loves moisture and needs a lot of fertilizers for prolific blooms.

13. ColeusContainer-Gardens-South-Central-05

Bushy habit, erect stems 50-100 cm. The plant has distinctive serrated leaves. It has many varieties with different colours of foliage.

14. Ivy Geranium

Ivy geraniums are beautiful double petaled flowers, perfect for window boxes and hanging baskets. They are suitable for both the tropical and temperate climates.

15. Petunia

When comes to best plants for balcony, petunias are the winners. One of the most abundant flowers comes in a variety of colours, petunias are easy to grow. They require frequent and abundant fertilization and a lot of suns.


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